Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I've seen myself in the same motions, for repeated moments in minutes on end.  I cannot fight the will, what will be; but I also can't hide the what in the "why be?"
. . .

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

for what and WiLL

All of this likeness to appear in one mess;
in such a convoluted mess that the undress became a dressing to the wound.

I cannot or will not, can't see or be that hard, geometric wall,
 that with such mess and such is this,
to find close in such and further to that which, thus……
and this

I was what I would will then --
and when I'd will, I'd forget that remember-

Couldn't sleep without a twitch;
Couldn't control that weep,
what and oh
will  C R E E P
(the kind of two they never expected you to)
….and be
for me and you
…(that which/what will "be")….
and forever
for that which wills what we cannot
S E E , (.)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

sleepwriting from recollections unrememberd

the undoing of the doing in the face of a brain so intoxicated by the infection of reality eating the earthy sentiments that may have made love "love."  ======== nothing moves organically in the direction of "rational."  murder sighs, murder signs; in only a way that the murder not be a tangible manifestation of the physical act;  murder in a soul-sense.  you will not be a highway-island, only an isolated planar reflection of intersections of dead and dying.  dying, much slower, moving subtly in these strange, haunting, half-remembered dreams of recurring places in the time of (un)realtime.

Friday, March 2, 2012

the brainpain

i woke,
in the insane brain a pact
to keep the secret insane
a secret in the
to breath and pulse
the feelings spreading in

photos copyright Katelyn Roof 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012 patient (with me)

I'm waiting for me --
to tell me everything ...
about me.
Oh wait…is that right?  Is that polite?

For me to tell me  /
about the fleeting flee?

...I don't think i know me;
my brain,
the brain pain i feel in my brain --
so insane.
i don't think the "me"
knows the "we"
that the "me" claims to be.

i think that "me" knows
U N C O M F O R T A B L (Y).
the awkward space in between pauses,
the claws
in  -   between
c l a u s e s  …
if you could know
(t) H // i \\ (s)

you would know that.
(without a "what is.")
If you could have known that;
when "that" was "this,"
and this 'n' that had a spat

-- a fight to see who won --

to become the

or the


for the forever that you never

L   E   F   T


Sunday, February 19, 2012

somnambulant composition #1

i try to find the pretty in the ugly.  but all of the pretty is really pretty ugly.  it's all ugly.  there can be hope in all of the dark, and the one bit of light is enough to grab onto for the moment, but the moment is a fleeting breath, a once and done….a nice memory for maybe a week and some.  and then…done.  just done.  spend a night wrapped up in arms, spend months searching for the same, searching and never finding.  you can subsist on the lack of substance, but somehow something becomes way better than just nothing. 

this that and that this

do I

copyright Katelyn Roof 2011