Thursday, July 17, 2008

sunny weather then dreary and violent rain, sleep split into two parts, doctor's visit with potentially bad news, high highs and really low lows, strange burning eyes, sketchbook delirium and potential southbound adventures, the dark and deep dive exploration hypothesis, pain pain physical pain taking over, bad words (mouth like a sailor) and unfortunate words accidentally shared, coping and moping, sunny summer smiles, tumultuous summer thunder interrupting, rain on road and red hot wet face, the dive and the floating back to the top, drowning the whole time (slowly).

...all in a day's time.
[there was a period of time where i had qualms keeping an online journal, then i realized i'm intensely fond of all forms of documentation of the fleeting present which is actually the past once it's written down. hence the resurrection of the (somewhat) daily online blog.]

Currently Listening: Suede "Sleeping Pills"
Location: Center Valley, PA
images copyright katelyn roof 2007
PS. once i unpack my 2G memory card for my digital camera i plan to i guess embark on photodocumentation of my last summer of "childhood" before i graduate and peace out of the east coast for sunnier shores and a more inspiring landscape.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the soundtrack to my nightmare

image copyright katelyn roof 2007

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Primitive Heart

This is documentation of my unfortunate bike accident on the night of The Cure at Radio City. my key went into my finger and you could at one point see to the bone, i feel really awesome and street because of it (street cred points through the ROOOOF).

in other news, the studly Brad Walsh did a post on my photography on his blog, check it out (Junk Mag), it's a few posts down

I'm going to use this blog mostly for shameless self-promotion, general retardation, and art.

Below is one panel of a triptych projection/installation i did this past year. I didn't want to go through the HTML hell of posting the entire triptych (which would freeze your computer anyway), so here is the center panel with the audio soundtrack i edited myself completely from field recordings done with an M audio recorder.

(i hope the sound is working, let me know if it is not.)


currently listening: XTC - "Ladybird"
current location: center valley, PA