black dress, high heels and red lipstick are my favorites:

After parking my car in Allentown tonight, going into Brewworks for the Cabaret, I had a conversation with a man solely based on the fact that I went to NYU and have an NYU bumper sticker on my car. Apparently, he went to NYU for grad school. I like making random friends, lately at least. And making friends from bumper stickers is even more random, and pretty rad.
It was kind of strange -- the other day I dropped off film to get developed and scanned, from my huge pile of film that I've shot but haven't gotten processed. One of the roles was from my visit to South Carolina in the Winter... so weird. I mostly photographed my Grandmother's house (where we were staying). It's such a strange, forgotten place. One of those places that had its hey day, but has been forgotten over the years. It really reminds me of "Paradiso Perduto" from Great Expectations. I hadn't been there for (at minimum) 7 years before the visit this past Winter, and it seemed dwarfed and shriveled, compared to my youthful perception of it. Looking at these pictures, even, makes me realize how quickly time has been going. My birthday is already around the corner (next week), and it has already been over half a year since I took these pictures, even. Time crawls when you're really young because all you know is based on anticipation and the future; and time flies the older you get, because your perception of life is mostly based on reflection upon past events, and hour-to-hour existence. I can't wrap my mind around all of it, it seems. I want everything slower, all of the time.

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