I am forming this project idea in my head. Really, it's nothing revolutionary or new, but I feel that it's something that I really want and need to do. I went through my family's memory trunk the other day, and I found so many weird relics of the past. I love how things that have just been thrown in a photo album haphazardly, or objects that have just been stored together in a random order have more composition and look more intriguing than things I spend copious amounts of time composing. I'm in the process of scanning all of the pictures (just to have an archive of them, really), but I photographed some of the objects with my Nikon D90. Eventually, I want to create some sort of an order, mixing the scanned photographs in with the objects that I photographed. It's going to be kind of a long project to work on, but I'm excited to do it. I'm already obsessed with the past, considering my giant collection of vintage clothing and accessories, so this is the the perfect thing for me right now.

Looking at these relics of my past, the themes in my drawing and photography really make a lot more sense.
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