Monday, April 12, 2010

being a dilettante is FUN

So, last week my dad was asking me to fill out my tax papers. I asked him if I could write "Dilettante" under occupation. He was not so amused by that suggestion. Seriously, I think it would have been funny. And witty. and.....kind of true.

I've actually been really busy lately...hence the lack of updates. I got to photograph a "Rent" rehearsal at Civic Theatre, I am helping out with a junk sculpture for the set of the aforementioned show, I've been having photo jam sessions with Amber and Alex....all wonderful endeavors.  I feel like I may be in the the golden age of discovery in my life.  I'm kind of crash-coursing it through life, in a really great way.  I have a lot more time to grow up -- as long as I'm constantly feeding my mind and facilitating the growth of my own creativity, I really can't complain (even though I still will).

I had a photoshoot in an abandoned train car with Amber, Lisa-Noel and John the other day (for their pretend prairie-themed folk/bluegrass band).  Here are the pictures:

all images copyright Katelyn Roof 2010

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