Today was a day that demanded wearing black. Lots of black. Black on black, in fact. Black opaque tights, black oxfords, black satin slip dress with black mesh tank dress over it. The only non-black items are my seashell/key necklace, my preserved scorpion necklace, my white fur collar, and red lipstick.

Now, for a change of subject....

This outfit looks like a weird poster from the 80s that would be hanging in someone's grandparents' tacky Florida summer home.

Not only can you see a gator in this store, you can also record a karaoke CD, buy gag gifts, and get sex toys. This store is most definitely an unintentional work of art.

This is an example of visual merchandising genius.

The day of the storm, the sunset was pretty brilliant.

Champion snow-covered shoveler.

Fiber optics child angel, Virgin Mary, mermaid sea scene, whimsical fairy, etc.

This is a still life of the supplies needed to party in a snowstorm.

It looks like Merlin's "magic touch" might be a tad too sexy.


O haaaai Gramps.

My snowy boots.

My brain split today into three days. Does your brain ever do that? Sometimes I slip off into this weird dissolution of time, without realizing. Then, when I snap out of that parallel universe, the day splits. Each time this happens, it feels like the separation that denotes a new day. Today was three days.
There is so much snow around here right now. Snow is only pretty for one day... and then it turns ugly, picking up asphalt rocks and dirt spots. The snow is mostly amassed in mounds in strip mall parking lots and yards. I feel like Nanook of the North, I have to wear furry, warm things everywhere.
I need a job. I've been looking for one for a long time, to no avail. My problem is one part being too picky and another part bad economy. It's a real bummer. Today, though, it occurred to me that nothing would make me happier than just making dreamcatchers all day. Is that a real job? I'm part Cherokee--maybe I could work in a tourist roadside stand in the Southwest selling dreamcatchers and making dreamcatchers? Possibly? Wow. That is the ideal job--I might have it all figured out.
All photographs copyright Katelyn R 2010
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