Doll orgy at the thrift store.
Ok, I lurk people. Mostly behind things that obstruct their vision so they don't notice me.
It used to say "Personal Training." Someone altered it, now it says "Sonal Raining." This is my most favorite made-up word ever.
Celine has a NIGHTMARE FACE in this picture.
This was the best 50 cents I ever spent.
Winter time mouse death. Sad.
Spotted: Amazing geometric '90s windbreaker.
The best day of my life! I found out my (real) preserved in resin brown recluse spider necklace GLOWS IN THE DARK.
Got Hanson?
This deli has a decorating theme every month. This month involved owls, silver trees, and roses.
...More owls in silver trees, and a bunch of roses.
...More owls. Also: icicles.
....And to complete the theme: Gnomes. (with roses. and icicles. and owls.)
The man doll with some treasures.
Every night should end like this -- with OMC's "How Bizarre" music video projected onto a wall.
Here is some back log:
My "Mermaid floating on a cloud in the sky in the dream sequence of the movie Oklahoma" dress. (For a vintage fashion show.)

My vintage hairstyle, done by me.

all photos copyright Katelyn Roof 2010.
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