Monday, January 26, 2009

spine, brain, fish skeleton

here's my damage for the night:
(CLICK for larger versions)


the aftermath

so maybe the benadryl dreamcloud was more of a benadryl dreamSTORMcloud after all. Before i woke up panting for air (being extremely short of breath), i dreamed about the basement of my childhood home. In the basement, my family was helping me build things with old belongings we found laying around the basement, but the entire place was just mostly littered with HUGE, dead spider carcasses. Then i had to help some dude that was living in my basement dress up human skeletons in vintage clothing...that lasted for a while. When i went upstairs, i went into my old room, and in the drawers all of my clothing was replaced with moo-moo dresses. I'm sure other things happened but i don't remember them. for the question at hand:
benadryl -- friend or foe?


Sunday, January 25, 2009

benadryl dreamcloud

so i am sleep-deprived right now. but the kind of sleep deprived that doesn't let my mind sleep, therefore torturing my body (also) with this non-sleep state of laying around ATTEMPTING sleep but just not quite getting all the way there. on the up side, today i went to Siren Records in Doylestown, looked up potential jobs (sort of), and drew things in my new sketch book and on a piece of wood i found in the garage. i also ran 6 miles. oh yeah and i went to a diner. it's been a day full of amazing nothingness, the kind i absolutely love.

sketches (on wood, and paper):

and yeah...g'night

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

how now brown cow

my house smells like vanilla formaldehyde right now.
no clue why.

come to my senior thesis exhibition!

here is the official invite, i just finished making it:



click to see bigger and

Friday, January 9, 2009


So I ended up drawing an upside-down cross last night for a video and I accidentally spilled wine on it. Symbolic? Maybe. A sign of the impending apocalypse? Again -- maybe. I also had a bloody foot the whole time. AWESOME.

Going to illadelph in 5 min. In the meantime....

a vid:
(the bigger ones won't upload, boo to that)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


VID of the (fri)DAY: